1958年、二風谷に生まれ、工芸家の父(勉)やその仲間の職人に囲まれて育つ。 曾祖父の貝澤ウトレントクは、明治時代に名工といわれた二人のうちの一人。その曾祖父から引き継ぐ伝統を重視しながら、そこに独自の感性と技術をとけ込ませ、自分らしさやメッセージを表現する、独創的なアイヌアートに精力的に取り組んでいる。ふと気づいたことを題材に作品を創作。代表作「UKOUKU(ウコウク)/輪唱」は、昔のアイヌ民族の入れ墨をした女性の手の写真から発想し、世代交代しながら文化が受け継がれるというメッセージをこめて創り上げた。北海道アイヌ伝統工芸展北海道知事賞ほか受賞多数。「北の工房 つとむ」店主。
Born in Nibutani in 1958, he grew up in the company of his craftsman father (Tsutomu) and his fellow artisans. His great-grandfather, Utorentoku Kaizawa was one of the two artisans renowned for their skill in the Meiji Era. Whilst valuing the traditions inherited from his great-grandfather, he melds into them his unique sensibility and techniques, energetically grappling with the creation of original Ainu art that expresses his own personality and message. Flashes of inspiration provide the subjects for his works. The idea for his famous 'UKUOKU/ The Round" came from a photograph of a woman's arm with an ancient Ainu tattoo, and was created with the message that culture is passed down through the generations. He has won many prizes, including the Hokkaido Governor's Award at the Hokkaido Ainu Traditional Craft Exhibition. He is the owner of Kita no Kobo Tsutomu.