

藤谷 るみ子


Rumiko Fujitani 藤谷 るみ子



She is a practitioner of traditional attus (textiles woven from tree bark fibers) techniques, few of whom remain even in Nibutani. During her childhood these textiles were woven in every Nibutani household, so she helped her mother to make the yarn from an early age. She started to weave in earnest when she was in her third year at junior high school and took over the task of weaving when her mother was hospitalized. She was taught about Ainu patterns by Shigeru Kayano's wife Reiko. Her clothing, bags and other accessories made of attus textiles with their unique texture and hues are very popular, as are items such her carefully embroidered brightly-colored coasters. In 1967 she married the woodcarver Noriyuki Fujiya. Since Noriyuki's death in 2007 she has devoted her energies to mentoring the next generation in Nibutani as a vocational training instructor (in weaving and textiles). She has won many awards, including Hokkaido Utari Association Chairman's Award at the Hokkaido Ainu Traditional Craft Exhibition.

藤谷るみ子氏 アットゥシ織 藤谷るみ子氏のアトリエ
  • アットゥシ織 アイヌ刺繍 巾着
  • ホシ
  • アットゥシ織 コースター
  • アットゥシ織 帯
  • アイヌ刺繍 コースター
  • アットゥシ織 しおり
  • マタンプシ
  • アットゥシ織 帯
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